Terms and Conditions

The University Authority maintains several Kranot Hishtalmut for post-doctorate candidates including Lady Davis, Golda Meir, Kranzberg and others. 

The final source of funding will be established after the academic committee makes its decisions based on the identity of the selected candidates.


To Apply:


  1. To review if you are a post- doctoral candidate eligible to apply for funding, the guidelines can be reviewed HERE

  2. The candidates must have received the permission of a member of the academic staff to act as their supervisor:

    1. In the departments listed below, the academic supervisor must commit contribute 50 percent from the secured amount in the first year: Faculty of the Natural Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Faculty of Agriculture.

    2. It is an option to have two supervisors, in which case you should select a primary and secondary advisor.

    3. An emeritus academic staff member may serve as the supervisor.

    4. You cannot choose the same advisor who acted as your doctoral supervisor.

Terms of Funding


  1. The highest amount of available funding for the current (2022-2023) academic year is 6,164 shekel per month, with the funding divided over twelve months.

  2. Housing assistance can amount to 600/1000 shekel per month for singles/heads of families.  Funding of this type will only be provided after presenting a rental contract for housing in the Jerusalem area (or in Rehovot for those in the Faculty of Agriculture.)

  3. Non-Israeli citizens can receive reimbursement for a round-trip flight (at the lowest available rate) originating in Israel.

  4. Reimbursements are available for fifty percent of the costs of basic health insurance via an Israeli insurance company.  *Relevant for non-Israelis only.


The funding is made available from October of the relevant academic year.  Funding recipients who are interested in delaying their arrival until later in the semester must receive special permission from the Vice Rector.


There is no objection to receiving additional fellowships within the Hebrew University, both from the academic supervisor and/or from other funding sources, up to the maximum limit established in(by) the university's postdoctoral regulations (NIS12,000/month).