New faculty for whom this is their first faculty appointment in Israel are entitled to what we fondly call "sal klita". It is a standing loan for 6 years of 215,000 NIS that reimburses various (a closed list of) personal expenses as specified in the link above. 'Standing loan' means one gets the money but does not have to pay it back just yet. After 12 years + tenure it becomes a grant. During the first 6 years one may use up to 1/6 of the sum per year. After 12 years any un-used sums may be forwarded to one's pension fund.
Some of the personal expenses this loan/grant reimburses are apartment rental, mortgage, upgraded health insurance, day care expenses and a few more. Since this "sal" reimburses the expenses - please make sure to keep all receipts.
contact person:
Mr. Shlomo Golan (Personnel Dept.): 02-5882732,
Additional payments to the salary:
a. One may receive an extra 27% per year (in eight installments) above and beyond the salary as follows:
1) 4 payments (=13.5%) for dedicating all of one's time to the Hebrew University ("hakdashat zman male lamosad");
2) 4 payments (=13.5%) for academic criteria ("kriterionim" – publications, research activities, service in committees in and out of the University etc.- all of which are a natural part of the job). Forms have to be filled out for these 2 extras, as for anything else… The forms or links to them are emailed yearly.
b. Researchers who obtain competitive external grants may increase their salaries by rates ranging from 6% to 55%, under certain circumstances.
a."Keren LeKishrey Mada" (funding for travel, participation in conferences, collaborations etc.): starting with $ 396 per month (rank but not seniority dependent), linked to the dollar, accumulative.
b. Sabbatical Grant: Also accumulative (by rank and seniority). One accumulates two months per year (starting with $3,891 per month), namely a full 12 months sabbatical is due every seventh year. Otherwise, one may take shorter sabbaticals – as per the number of months accumulated – after the first four years of employment.
contact person:
Mrs. Liat Amzaleg (Personnel Dept.): 02-5882702,
Information about salaries and salary supplements can be found on the Human Resources Department website.