Absorption of senior academic staff

New Faculty Members


Welcome to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem!

The Hebrew University is an institution that encourages academic excellence. By joining the ranks of the university's faculty it is expected that you will make an important contribution to the advancement of scientific research, teaching and public activity, which is entrusted to members of the university community.

The information provided on this site is intended to assist rapid and smooth integration into the university successfully.

We are here for you!

The Office for the Absorption of New Academic Staff provides you with information and assistance in all matters related to your absorption. You are welcome to contact Limor Levy in order to receive information and hear about the absorption process at the university: limorl@savion.huji.ac.il or by phone 02-5881142.
If necessary, you can also contact:

Vise-Rector Prof. Avi-hai Hovav : vr-expr@savion.huji.ac.il  

Rector, Prof. Tamir Sheafer : rector@savion.huji.ac.il



International Senior Academic Staff will get all the information from the HUJI International Office.

For visa & work permit affairs please contact Mr. Yehuda Hersh – intvisas@savion.huji.ac.il
For other affairs please contact Mr. Maor Tirry, International Research Community Coordinator – phdlife@savion.huji.ac.il
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mount Scopus, 9190500 Jerusalem, Israel


For an Easy Start - Basic & Essential Information

Wages & Payments

New faculty for whom this is their first faculty appointment in Israel are entitled to what we fondly call "sal klita".  It is a standing loan for 6 years of 215,000 NIS that reimburses various (a closed list of) personal expenses as specified in the link above. 'Standing loan' means one gets the money but does not have to pay it back just yet. After 12 years + tenure it becomes a grant. During the first 6 years one may use up to 1/6 of the sum per year. After 12 years any un-used sums may be forwarded to one's pension fund.

Some of the personal expenses this loan/grant reimburses are apartment rental, mortgage, upgraded health insurance, day care expenses and a few more. Since this "sal" reimburses the expenses - please make sure to keep all receipts.

contact person:
Mr. Shlomo Golan (Personnel Dept.): 02-5882732, shlomogol@savion.huji.ac.il

Additional payments to the salary: 

a. One may receive an extra 27% per year (in eight installments) above and beyond the salary as follows:

1) 4 payments (=13.5%) for dedicating all of one's time to the Hebrew University ("hakdashat zman male lamosad");
2) 4 payments (=13.5%) for academic criteria ("kriterionim" – publications, research activities, service in committees in and out of the University etc.- all of which are a natural part of the job).  Forms have to be filled out for these 2 extras, as for anything else… The forms or links to them are emailed yearly.

b. Researchers who obtain competitive external grants may increase their salaries by rates ranging from 6% to 55%, under certain circumstances.

contact person:
Ms. Merav Atar (R&D): 02-6586626, merava@savion.huji.ac.il

Additional accumulating resources:

a."Keren LeKishrey Mada" (funding for travel, participation in conferences, collaborations etc.):  starting with $ 396 per month (rank but not seniority dependent), linked to the dollar, accumulative.

b. Sabbatical Grant:  Also accumulative (by rank and seniority).  One accumulates two months per year (starting with $3,891 per month), namely a full 12 months sabbatical is due every seventh year.  Otherwise, one may take shorter sabbaticals – as per the number of months accumulated – after the first four years of employment.

contact person:
Mrs. Liat Amzaleg (Personnel Dept.): 02-5882702, liatam@savion.huji.ac.il

Information about salaries and salary supplements can be found on the Human Resources Department website.


Information about teaching planning: course planning, syllabus writing, etc. can be found: Teaching and Learning Center.
More information can be found at the Academic Secretary's 

Appointments & Promotions

Academic Tracks at the Hebrew University

Regulations for appointments and promotions

Members of the academic staff at the Hebrew University are appointed to several tracks. Each track has separate regulations and lists, among other things, the eligibility required for appointment in that track, the appointment or promotion procedure, the scope of the position of the track, details of the probationary period, the possibility of obtaining tenure and the academic committees that handle promotions.

The main routes are:

The regular academic track - This track is the backbone of research and teaching at the university and is open to those with a doctorate (Ph.D. or equivalent). There are four appointment levels: lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor and full professor. The appointment is full-time and tenure is granted with the rank of at least a senior lecturer. The university appoints to this track those who have already proven themselves in scientific research and whose scientific work indicates the existence of a clear potential to become leading researchers and teachers in their academic field. Candidates are required to have independence, creativity and research productivity, as well as recognition from researchers both national and international. From new immigrants to the senior rank of a full professor, the university expects that in addition to all of the above, there will also be those who have left their mark in the field in which they are engaged and have acquired international status. The regular academic track also includes doctors and dentists, employees of Hadassah Hospital and other affiliated hospitals, as well as veterinarians at the School of Veterinary Medicine. All appointees must meet the criteria for appointment in this track and participate in the teaching of students.


Sabbaticals & Ongoing Training (or continued education)

Sabbaticals, exemption from teaching and unpaid leave are under the care of the Deputy Head of the Academic Administration, Ms. Irit Bohbot. Tel: 02-5881036. Email: iritb@savion.huji.ac.il

Sabbaticals (advanced training) are intended to promote the academic work of academic faculty members in order to maintain a high professional level of work and research. Sabbaticals must be approved by the head of the unit, the faculty dean and the university’s sabbatical/advanced training committee.

The sabbatical/advanced training regulations specify the conditions of eligibility for advanced training, how to fill out and submit the application form, the duration of the sabbatical period, prohibited activities during this period, rules for accruing sabbatical grants, the possibility of receiving a sabbatical grant, and rules for taking sabbatical grants during the summer period. For academic purposes, there is the possibility of taking advantage of a sabbatical in the country in the status of "exempt from teaching".

The regulations consist of three appendices:

A. "Exemption from teaching" rules for faculty members in the regular academic track.
B. Regulations regarding unpaid teachers' leave and the question of a public position outside the university.
C. Procedures for employing teachers in the regular part-time academic track.


Rules and forms for sabbaticals/advanced training

All personal information regarding previous sabbaticals, months remaining, the dollar value of the sabbatical month (gross and net) and the number of flight tickets accumulated can be found on the https://www.huji.ac.il/dataj/controller/finance/ of the academic staff member, which can be accessed via the university’s main website.

Forms & Regulations


Welfare & Services